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  • Asked by
  • garcia
  • |
  • December 22, 2014
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  • Nobody else has this question

french magazine request


I'm working as photo editor for the french magazine SANTE Magazine (woman magazine about health and welfare).
We never work with your agency. We would like to use one of your pictures (in file attached).

How does it work ? Do you work with invoice ? Should I have to create a login ?

Please let me know.

Best regards

Nathalie de Besombes
C/o Julie Garcia
Service Photo-Santé Magazine
22 rue Letellier
75015 Paris

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Anonymous
  • |
  • January 5, 2015
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Dear Nathalie

Thank you for your email. Yes, if you would like to use any of our images you firstly need to be registered on our website, but not to worry it is completely free of charge:)
I have just sent you an invitation to register on our website for free to your email addresss and I have also pre-loaded a complimentary $10 for you to use towards any of your downloads.

Once you are registered you can click on the image that you would like to download. Payment options include paypal and credit card and invoices as well as receipts will be available for each purchase you make on our site.

Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to email or contact us again.

Best Regards

Sophia Antha

People Images Account Executive
Yuri Arcurs Productions Pty (Ltd)

Tel: +27 (87) 550 1418
Skype: peopleimages
Email Address: sophia@peopleimages.com


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