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  • Asked by
  • Kiara
  • |
  • February 28, 2015
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question

Use of the images

Hi, my question is if I can use the images in a page called Wattpad and if I can modify them.

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Julian
  • |
  • March 2, 2015
  • |
  • 1 person likes this

Hi Kiara,

Thank you for your query You are able to use the images on Wattpad, as long as the page does not have sensitive material in it. For e.g. their is no pornographic images on their. You are also allowed to modify the image to your specifications, although we also provide that service for a small fee. I hope this clears it up for you.

Kind Regards

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  • Kiara | March 3, 2015 | No one likes this yet

    Thanks! Mm I have another question: Have I to ask permission to the author?