• Support


  • Asked by
  • jennsterling
  • |
  • July 24, 2015
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question


accidentally downloaded a couple on the beach (wrong photo)!!! CAn I delete it, send it back to you- get my credit back?

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Julian
  • |
  • July 27, 2015
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hi Jenn,

I trust you are well! I will refund you the credits that you used to download the image, so that you can download the correct image. Please let me know if their is anything else i can assist you with. Have you seen our monthly promotional offer? The offer is $150 and you get $300 on your Account! Or buy 2 promos for $300 and you get $700 on your Account, if you buy 3 promos for $450 we will give you $1000 on your Account and if you buy 4 promos for $600 we will give you an Incredible $1200 on your Account! And as you already know Jenn, your credits will Never Expire!! I see that you are running low on credits, so now might be a perfect time to take advantage of this Awesome Offer and stock up on credits for your future projects! Take Care

Kind Regards

Julian Naidoo
Account Executive
Yuri Arcurs Productions Pty (Ltd)

Tel: +27 (87) 550 1418
Skype: Skype Name
Email Address:julian@arcurs.com


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