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  • Asked by
  • Eric
  • |
  • October 30, 2015
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  • Nobody else has this question

Model in Istock Photo

Model in Istock image 74150223


I noticed some new images you uploaded using the same model as in 74150223. Do you have any contact for her or the agency that reps her. Also if you have contact info for the photographer as well, interested in working with both if possible.

Can you please email me at eric@greaterthreads.com with your reply.

Much appreciated.

Thank you.

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Yuri
  • |
  • March 22, 2019
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  • No one likes this yet

Generally, we don't give out information about our models. Particularly not "sexy" models, as we receive quite a few such requests and the models don't want us to share their private information. In some cases, we can make exceptions for repeat customers that we trust, and we will then contact the model to get their approval for sharing their contact details.

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1 comment on this content

  • Michael | October 31, 2015 | No one likes this yet

    Hello Eric,

    Thank you for your question.

    The model you are referring to is the lovely Zena L. The photographer in that instance is our very own Thurstan L. We will be in touch with you via e-mail to give you more details and understand your requirements.

    Best regards,

    Michael Lascot