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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
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  • January 20, 2016
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  • Nobody else has this question

Smiling baffoons

Hi there, could you add an option to omit images of people smiling like idiotic buffoons? I'm constantly trawling through sets of images which are great in every respect, such as setting and model choice, but they are stood there smiling at each other like they morons. It's not natural or realistic and I'm just getting tired of the entire set looking horribly fake.


Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Michael
  • |
  • January 20, 2016
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  • No one likes this yet


Thank you for your question. PeopleImages.com proud ourselves in not having fake, overly happy scenes. We are as tired of that look as you are. It sells well, but finding images where people are not smiling can be difficult. Try to include keywords such as "authentic, natural, real, candid" or even "concerned, considered". Please also be sure to use our live chat feature and chat to a member of our team, and they will gladly assist you in finding the images you require.

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2 comments on this content

  • Anonymous | January 20, 2016 | No one likes this yet

    ok thank you, I found the 'serious' filter but would like to stack them so I could choose 'serious' and 'industry' together, is that possible or do I just have to do multiple searches?

  • Michael | January 20, 2016 | No one likes this yet

    Great! Yes that is possible. As you'll see when you start using the various filters to search it shows you which filters are active just below the "search bar" in blue boxes. There is an icon with a padlock that allows you to "lock" those filters in place so that when you refine your search further those filters stay in place.

    Send a message on our live chat if you need more help with this function. We are able to send screenshots via that platform, or alternatively you are welcome to e-mail me on michael@peopleimages.com for further assistance.