• Support


  • Asked by
  • John
  • |
  • July 1, 2016
  • |
  • 1 person also has this question

Close account

I don't understand why there's not option to close and remove our accounts. That's very suspect. I've notified my credit card company about you and would like you to remove my card information and close my account.

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Yuri
  • |
  • March 22, 2019
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

For now please contact support if you want your account removed completely - support@peopleimages.com.
We are working on an update where you can remove/delete your account under "edit your account" and it should launch soon.
Keep in mind that once removed, there is no coming back. Your account is completely removed, also on our side, and can't be accessed or viewed even by admins should you need to gain access again in the future. So if you have purchased something, we won't be able to generate a tax invoice, nor find a receipt with your account details on.

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