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  • Asked by
  • Viktor L.
  • |
  • June 16, 2011
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  • 1 person also has this question

Can I use the articles from arcurs.com and peopleimages.com anywhere else?

I would very much like to use some of the content from the articles on arcurs.com and PeopleImages.com in my blog. Would I need a specific License or complete any legal documentation to do this? Is it possible?

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Garon
  • |
  • March 6, 2012
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  • 1 person likes this

Hey Viktor

Yes, you may use the articles, however there are some restrictions and rules you need to follow.

If you take a look at our Terms of Use you'll find this:

3.3 Use of Content All Content on the Site is Our property and may be protected by intellectual property laws including laws relating to copyrights, trademarks, trade-names, internet domain names and other similar rights. Use of Content, excluding Media, is allowed, provided you comply with the following:

3.3.1 A clear statement specifying that you are not the author/creator of the Content is visible on the same page of the Content.

3.3.2 A statement including the words “© Yuri Arcurs, all rights reserved.” is visible.

3.3.3 A link to the original Content on the Site is visible.

3.3.4 All Content used is not modified in any way.

So in short, yes, as long as you tell people it's not your articles. Please be aware that the above mentioned agreement might change from time to time, and I have quoted it as it looks right now. Always make sure to have a look at the update version which can be found on http://peopleimages.com/support/licenseAgreement/terms_of_use


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