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  • Asked by
  • Pearce M.
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  • January 20, 2012
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  • Nobody else has this question

Do you think that stock images look unrealistic?

All the images on your site are absolutely stunning! But don't you think that most stock images look extremely bright and overly colorful, i.e., non realistic?

Do stock images always have to be retouched a lot in order to be uploaded to an agency?

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Yuri
  • |
  • May 2, 2012
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  • No one likes this yet

Yes Pearce, I do! I completely agree with you. A lot of stock images do look too bright and colorful and this makes them look a bit unrealistic as well. Because of the traditions in the stock industry, a lot of images are simply pushed a too much, and I personally do not like this style.

I constantly try to get my retouching and developing team to tone things down, but at the same time we have to provide what people are requesting. These super bright images are great for front page usage and bill boards, but if you want to use 4-5 images within an article, it often becomes too much when they look too bright.

But because of this, we offer a special custom retouching of our images which will simply tone them down. We actually find that most of the images we create look stunning when they aren't as bright and overly colorful as the tradition demands. Toning them down makes them look a lot more realistic.


AND. Remember that you can search for keywords such as "realistic, natural, normal, real, authentic" and that should get you closer!

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