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  • Asked by
  • Mohd S. M.
  • |
  • July 6, 2011
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  • 1 person also has this question

How do you charge clients for a factory product shoot?

I am new to photography business,and currently working freelance.I'm trying to price my work and would like to know - How do you charge client for factory products shoot?

Thank you

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Yuri
  • |
  • July 6, 2011
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  • 1 person likes this

I think that what you probably mean is how to charge clients for doing a lot of product shoots right after each other, right? Like a long range of furniture, electronic items or something like that. For a shoot like that I set up lighting equipment which will work with most of it, and the team just runs through all the products really fast so that we don't get stuck on one specific item.
I would charge clients asking for this kind of shoot based on my relation with them but always within the range of my normal fee. But my normal fee is quite high so I wouldn't recommend going with that.

If you're first starting out with stock photography, here are a few examples of realistic fees in Europe and US-like countries:
1-2 years of moderate experience: 400-600 USD per shooting day.
2-3 years of moderate experience: 600-1000 USD per shooting day.
3-5 years of moderate experience: 800-1400 USD per shooting day.
3-4 years of active shooting: 800-2500 USD per shooting day.

Another way to invoice your clients is based on the amount of clients you have had before:
1-20 finished client jobs: 3-600 USD per shooting day.
20-50 finished client jobs: 600-1000 USD per shooting day.
50-100 finished client jobs: 800-1200 USD per shooting day.
100+ finished client jobs: 800-2500 USD per shooting day.

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