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  • Asked by
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  • June 17, 2012
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  • Nobody else has this question

The watermark

Heyo! Great work you do. We apreachiate it very much that you startet your own website and think it is very felicitous. But one thing irritates us: All previews have these "yuri arcus" watermarks on them, which is of course al lot of hassle to get rid of during the layout. Is there a chance to get smaller but watermark-free pics? Thanks in advance!

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucretia
  • |
  • June 19, 2012
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  • No one likes this yet

Hi there,

Thank you for the appreciation of our website. The watermark is there for our protection to prevent any illegal use or our images. In order for you to use the image without the watermark you have to purchase the image. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.

Warm regards,

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