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  • Asked by
  • Helmar M.
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  • July 6, 2011
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  • Nobody else has this question

IPTC-data and EXIF-data?


I am a beginner in stock photography and I have a question I hope you can help me with.

Is it common to leave the exif-data of the stock-images, or is it better to usually delete them? What is most likely to happen on a stock site? How does Yuri Arcurs do it?

Thanks in advance.
Helmar M.

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Yuri
  • |
  • July 6, 2011
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  • No one likes this yet

Hi Helmar.
I suspect that what you're asking about is the IPTC-data and not the EXIF-data, because EXIF-data you cannot edit. It's important that we make a distinction between the two.

There are two different types of 'comments' which go with every jpeg, tiff, png or raw file and these are the EXIF-data and the IPTC-data. You cannot change the EXIF-data. This is the kind of information that comes with the camera manufacturer and this is why they are so helpful when it comes to investigating copy right issues. If, for instance, there is a dispute about when a particular image is shot, the court of law will be able to examine the EXIF-data and determine the date. Normally this is proof enough. And to get rid of the EXIF-data would be to, for instance, do a screenshot of your screen when the image is open, but I really hope you are not doing this.

But the IPTC-data is certainly something you should edit. You should put in that the image is copyrighted, that you are the copyright holder, your contact information (your website, for instance) and all sorts of information like that.

Hope this clears up any confusion about IPTC- and EXIF-data. :)

Best Regards
Yuri Arcurs

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