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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
  • |
  • July 6, 2012
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  • Nobody else has this question

Where can I buy this image?


I found this image online. Please tell me where I can buy a copy. Love the energy!


Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucy
  • |
  • July 9, 2012
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  • No one likes this yet

Hey there!

Its so cool that you are interested in using our images. The image in question is available on peopleimages.com and you are able to purchase it when you click the link below;

The best way to find a particular image on our website is by using one of these tools:

1. Our search bar which allows you to use descriptive words in our 'Search Images' window. You are able to type in serval basic keywords describing the image exactly. A selection of similar images will be presented to you from your search. Choose the images that look mostly like the image you are requesting. Narrow down the keyword search with indicating the amount of females and males etc. And you will end up with you requested image.

2.You could also search by Model Properties (right hand column) which allows you to search by ethnicity, amount of people, age span and gender.

3. We also have a feature called aiBot, its goal is to be a helpful tool to search images faster and will give you more accurate results to your image search. Please feel free to read the link below with all the information you would need about aiBot and how to use it.

Please feel free to make contact with me if you have any further questions:)

Kind regards

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