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  • Asked by
  • Hammy
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  • July 17, 2012
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  • Nobody else has this question

Removing octagon shaped lighting

I love this picture, but I don't like the octagon light that obscures the females nose. My cover artist purchased this photo from dreamstime photostock, and at my request, he's tried to retouch the image and remove the light. BUT. He cannot remove it completely and what we get is an ugly blue line over the females forhead and eyelid.
CAN THIS OCTAGON BE REMOVED? And if so, what option do I pick in the retouch? Not sure which size is used for bookcovers. I'd imagine high res, but I'm no artist. If this can be done, I'll be one happy author! I WANT this PIC! SOoo bad for my cover.
Stock Photo ID: 59239

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucy
  • |
  • July 17, 2012
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  • 1 person likes this

Hey Melisa

It's so cool that you are interested in using one of our images for a book cover. I have spoken to the retouching team and we are able to remove the octagon light from the image as you have requested. We will have to create an alternative image which means that you will be purchasing a custom retouching. Please read through the custom retouching option at http://peopleimages.com/image/retouching

The process would be as follows;

1. Go to http://peopleimages.com/image/summer-love-and-sunshine-people-sun-kiss and click the "send request" button in the Custom Retouching widget in the sidebar.

2. Choose the "Expand and extend" option at $45.

3. Describe what you need to have done is as much detail as possible and click "send request" upon which $45 will be removed from your account.

4. No later than 24 hours after having submitted the request, you will receive an email on the email account associated with your account, and in this email you'll find a link to the retouched image online.

5. Purchase the Extended License (which is needed for use on a book cover) with the retouched image and complete the checkout process.
Please feel free to read through the Extended License Agreement on this link I have added below:

If you do not wish that we make the retouched version available for sale on our site, you'll have to specify this in the description of your order. This is a feature not yet fully implemented on our site, which means that you will have to pay this separately. The price for this will be $26 per hour the retouchers are working on the image. This can be paid either by wire transfer or PayPal.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me

Warm regards
Lucy :)

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