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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
  • |
  • July 30, 2012
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question



We are interested in two images that you have. We would actually like to combine the images for our ad. We would like our graphic designer to do this. Is this something we are allowed to do? If so, which license would we need? If not, is this something you can do? I've attached a doc with the images we like. The first two are your images and we want them to have the same background. We need this ASAP. Please e-mail me back at rachel@interiortalent.com or call at 800.915.3012. Thanjk you.

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucy
  • |
  • July 31, 2012
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hey Rachel

You are able to purchase two images and combine the images. You just have to ensure that you don't  violate the license agreement you would purchase with both images.

Could you be so kind to share with me the intended use image. For example, would you be using the image as an electronic item or for print media? This would help me to advice you on the appropriate licensing you would need to obtain.

Please don't hesitate to make further contact with me if you have any
further questions:)

Kind Regards

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  • Anonymous | July 31, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Hi Lucy,

    Can we reach you by phone?

    We are looking to photoshop an image so that the person's clothing matches the background.

    So for example, this image: http://peopleimages.com/image/-european-businesswoman-standing-with-hands-folded-on-white-young-beautiful-joy We would like to photoshop both her clothing and background so that they match.

    Ideally, we would like to just find a stock photo that would work but I haven't been able to find anything. (Do you know of a stock photo like this?)

    We need these asap. We have a graphic designer that can do the edits, we just need the okay to do so. Also, out of curiousity, is this something you can do?

    Please feel free to call me at 407.433.6890