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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
  • |
  • August 30, 2012
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question

We searching for a picture without section

We are a fair trade builder from germany and one of our clients applies the picture from fotolia with the number 3281383 for his corporate identity. We need this picture with no section on the head of the man for our stand design.
Is it possible to get or buy this picture form your company?

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucy
  • |
  • August 31, 2012
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hey there

I have spoken to our design team. We would require a little more information from you about your request.

I will drop you a mail shortly. Look forward to hearing from you :)

Warm Regards


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  • Eric | October 1, 2022 | No one likes this yet

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