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  • Asked by
  • Cristallina
  • |
  • September 17, 2012
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  • Nobody else has this question

a bit confused

Hi there

I am a bit confused regarding the different categories, licenses and prices. I was searching for an exclusive photo, and then when I want to ad it to my cart I shows up as an Micro priced photo, to which I can add a Time-Exclusive. But, doesn't that mean, that the photo I thought was exclusive and therefor not downloaded a lot perhaps indeed has already been downloaded a lot??
I need to make sure that I'm finding the right photo and solution for me.


Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucretia
  • |
  • September 18, 2012
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hi Christel,

Would you please be able to clarify which image you are referring to? As soon as I have that information I would be able to assist you with a solution.

With regards to the rest of your question about exclusivity:
1. When an image is marked as an exclusive image it means that it is exclusive to peopleimages.com (not sold on other websites) it does not mean it is exclusive to any one person or sale :)
2. There is an option for a time exclusive license, however this does not mean that the image has never been purchased, it just means that no one can purchase it for a specified period once you purchase the image. (more info can be found here: https://peopleimages.com/support/licenseAgreement/time_exclusive)

If you are looking for an image with low or no downloads you can create a light box of images you would like and I can assist you in selecting the one with the least downloads in order to have the most "exclusive" image, then you would need to purchase it with a time exclusive license to ensure no one buys the image after you have it :)

Lets chat further about your needs over email or Skype, I look forward to hearing from you!

Warm regards,

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