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  • Asked by
  • Eda
  • |
  • October 8, 2012
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question


Hi Tabita
I would like to know if it takes a long time before you get some shoots?
I think we have not got enough information, which is a little annoying, because you are excited.

Hope you are well and that you remember me.


Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucretia
  • |
  • October 9, 2012
  • |
  • 1 person likes this

Hi Eda,

Yes, I do remember you :)

I've been told by our file manager in Cape Town that it could still take 2-3 months for the DK casting images to come online, and a little longer for the concert shoot images. It does take awhile for our images to go through all the stages of development because we deal with such large quantities of images. I apologies that you have waited so long, but it is always a bit hard to tell how long it will take from when we take the image until it is online. So this is the most accurate answer I can give you at this stage, but I can tell you that I am personally keeping an eye out for your images.

We will contact you if we need you for any other shoots in Denmark, if you are available, but things do slow down in Denmark over the winter.

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  • Eda | October 14, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Thank you for your answer, it has been a great help. And Im looking forward to see the images :)!