• Support


  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
  • |
  • October 8, 2012
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  • Nobody else has this question

Buying images exclusively

Hi there, we are launching a new sunless tanning brand in Australia. We would like to purchase approx 3 or 4 images, but we were hoping to get exclusivity if we can, at least for a period.
We particularly like the series 779162.
Can you tell me, how does your exclusivity work and would this be possible for the images in this series?
We want to use them on a brochure & website.
Kind regards

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Michelle
  • |
  • October 9, 2012
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hi there,

Out of the series you like I have filtered them by the ability to purchase a time-exclusive license. You will find the selection of 204 possibilities here: https://peopleimages.com/search#779162/exclusive:yes

If you would like to check the pricing drag one or more of the images you like to your cart and click "check out". This will give you the ability to see the pricing per image, just select a licence (time-exclusive) and a time period :)

You will be able to find the full details of this licence here: https://peopleimages.com/support/licenseAgreement/time_exclusive

Please let me know if I can assist with anything else. I hope you have a great day further!

Warm Regards,


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