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  • Asked by
  • Geoffrey A.
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  • July 20, 2011
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  • 1 person also has this question

How do I decide what to shoot and what sells well?

Dear Yuri,

I'm a hobbyist photographer and I've been seriously considering submitting images to various microstock sites. I discovered you during this process and I've found your old web page to be very helpful.

Not wanting to consume what little time you have, I'll keep this brief.

I do not want to be mis-labeled or branded without first inquiring after your opinion regarding industry areas needing focus (no pun intended). I noticed the page you discuss this topic on, "What should I shoot and what sells well" on http://www.arcurs.com/what-should-i-shoot-and-what-sells-well, and I'd like to know if the list remains unchanged for the last two years. If your list for "areas needing more great photos" has changed, please inform me regarding your current opinion.

I don't wish to fail before I begin; I'm a perfectionist and I need to know that my attention is in an area that needs it.

Thank you for your attention,
~Geoffrey A.

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Yuri
  • |
  • July 20, 2011
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  • 1 person likes this

Hi Geoffrey

I completely understand you, and it is great to hear from a photographer who is actually thinking about what the market looks like and what is in high demand before starting to shoot.

The list is actually still valid. I am surprised that people don't shoot the things that are in high demand. Most photographers still choose to shoot things that are easily accessible: pets (dogs and cats mostly), toys and things like that, instead of actually going out and conducting real stock shooting to earn money.

I think that the biggest hindering lies within the mindset and not within the things you shoot. The mindset of going out and pursuing images only for the purpose of making great sales doesn't seem to apply to many photographers. But yes, the list is still valid. Shoot things that are not easily accessible, and shoot things that are in high demand.

Best of luck!
Yuri Arcurs

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