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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
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  • October 31, 2012
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Picture acception

Hello, I am a very abitous photographer, at the moment I am introducing into stock photgrapy.
I learn nerly every day more about the quality of the picutres an technique, how to take good pictures. Because I am very new in this business and I only look at the real quality of photos since two months,(before I only tried to take good photos but the most time they where someting like snap shots, because I had not the technical ability) I did not have much experiences in taking stock photos. I already have read the blog of Yuri and this helped me a lot. But in genaral can you tell me exactly why this picures I have added, have not been accepted by i stock?

(The camara is a Canon Eos 7D/ with a efs 18-135 mm 1:3,5-5,6)

sincerly your

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Yuri
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  • November 2, 2012
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  • No one likes this yet

Yes I can.
Bad body posture of the child makes you think he is doing ballet and not jumping. Then next intrusion: What is he doing? Why is he jumping? He is not wearing shorts so he can't be jumping into water, but then the image becomes sad. Is he jumping onto a field from that height? Is the image about taking risk? Since we don't see neither water or field, the concept of this images is unclear and thus is not usable as stock material. Ask yourself: Who would use this image? and for what?

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