• Support


  • Asked by
  • kevarcurs
  • |
  • January 17, 2013
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question

Usage of photos

Hello, i have been told by Dreamstime that all the photos i have bought from them in standard license can be used in language learning software that i am developing (using in small 400 X 300 pixel format at 72dpi). I just signed up here today and i am reading your license agreement but see nothing about using in educational software to be sold to customers. Can you clarify this for me ? thanks, kevin

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucy
  • |
  • January 21, 2013
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hey Kevarcurs

We do not offer a license agreement that limits you by the size of the image. We have a custom size option where you are able to customize your images as per your need requests. This also allows you change the Actual pixel and gives you more freedom. In the event that you wish to use the image for educational software to be be sold to your customers you would be required to purchase your image with an Extended License.

Please read the Extended License agreement (http://peopleimages.com/support/licenseAgreement/extended)

If you have have any further questions or require more clarity for your purchase, please dont hesitate to make contact with me on support@peopleimages.com or via telephone at +18 00 594 0485

Best Wishes,
Lucy Galant

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