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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
  • |
  • February 14, 2013
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  • Nobody else has this question

Request to join Japanese biggest microstock agency PIXTA

Hope massage finds you well.

I am Shingo Suzuki from Japanese biggest microstock agency, PIXTA.
We are very happy that if you could consider to join our library.

We have been growing as a major part of Japanese microstock market in past years.
Now, we became the biggest microstock agency in Japan.

We have over 4 million royalty-free stock images and over 100,000 video clips.
And there are 100,000 contributors and 100,000 buyers.

Now, we would like to invite you to our new contributor’s' website in English.
Our English website is getting very convenient all the time; furthermore, the function is improving. Now, you are able to check and request payment on line, and possible to upload, edit and submit your Photo/ Illusts from a page as well.

Please note following guidelines regarding our selling policy, price, size etc.




If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Shingo Suzuki

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucy
  • |
  • February 15, 2013
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hey Shingo Suzuki

I will forward this information to the necessary persons that will make contact with you shortly.

Kind Regards
Lucy Galant

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1 comment on this content

  • Anonymous | February 15, 2013 | No one likes this yet

    Dear Lucy,

    Thank you for comment.
    We will wait for the answer.

    Best regards,
    Shingo Suzuki
    Partner Relation Team