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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
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  • February 22, 2013
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  • Nobody else has this question

Shoot; rock concert

Hello people images :-)
I was at the rock concert shoot in Aarhus, and I was wondering when the photos are ready? Im really excited to see them, and it has been quiet lots of months ago since the shoot. I there any way that you can get more Jobs, and be a model in you Company? What does it take? And did you find any models from the shoot in Aarhus? Thanks :-) :)-

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucretia
  • |
  • February 25, 2013
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  • No one likes this yet

Hi there,

Thank you for your question. The images of the "Rock concert" shoot in Aarhus Denmark has to go through a process of developing, retouching and keywording.

This takes a few months, but as soon as the process is done the producers will send you an email of the images. After taking part in the "Rock concert" shoot our producers will still have your details and will contact you if and when they need you for a specific shoot.

Should there be anything else I can assist you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

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3 comments on this content

  • Anonymous | May 8, 2013 | No one likes this yet

    Hi, I am really excited for the shoot too :) And now it is May, and still haven't heard anything, nor can I find the shoot on the website? Do you have an update on when they will be up?

  • Anonymous | February 25, 2013 | No one likes this yet

    A few months? :( it was in August = 6 months ago

  • Lucretia | February 26, 2013 | No one likes this yet

    The "Rock Concert" shoot will be uploaded in the coming month. We will send you an email notification.

    I hope you have a great day further:)