• Support


  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
  • |
  • April 2, 2013
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  • Nobody else has this question

links that does not work

Dear all,

please could you help me with a problem of links to your photographes being to long so that I get this error message - ssl_error_rx_record_too_long? How can I send several selected photos to another person for final selection?

Thanks a lot

Karolina Peterkova - karolina.peterkova@propertysolutions.cz


Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucy
  • |
  • April 2, 2013
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hey Karlona

Apologies again for the inconvenience coursed, as mentioned in our telephonic conversation. I have reported this problem to our programming team and they have managed to solve the problem. You are now able to download the images and share the links with your design team.

If you have any further questions or need further assist please don't hesitate to make contact with me.

Kind Regards
Lucy Galant

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