• Support


  • Asked by
  • lipowski
  • |
  • April 18, 2013
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question

Hello, I've found missed call in my phone

I've found missed call in my phone 3 times. My mobile/cell number is +421 720 525 767
I guess, it is something important.

I have phone silent, but... now it is loud. Can you tell me why are you tryning to contact me? Thank you vey much for help. I hope next time I will pick it up.

Take care,


Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Jessica
  • |
  • April 25, 2013
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hi Milan

Thank you for your message. My name is Jessica and I am your account manager. The reason that I have been contacting you is to see how you are finding the site and to get some feedback about our image variety and to tell you about our cart feature, which allows me to set up a cart for you, to save you time when having to search for images.

It would be fantastic if I could give you a call today to have a quick chat and get some feedback? Please let me know when it will suite you.

I look forward to your response



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1 comment on this content

  • lipowski | April 25, 2013 | No one likes this yet

    Hello Jessica,

    please, call me at 13:00, thank you too.

