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  • Asked by
  • Tammy
  • |
  • April 24, 2013
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  • Nobody else has this question

Yuri's test group of prominent buyers

I read that Yuri Arcurs formed a "test group" of industry buyers who he uses as a sounding board to test his photo ideas regarding subject matter, design, models, etc. I'm wondering how he recruited that first person to join his team of advisers (how did he find that first person and how did he persuade that person to join his circle?)

I'm also wondering if Yuri Arcurs has noticed any difference between the demands of stock video footage buyers versus stock photo buyers? As you can see, I am a huge Yuri Arcurs fan, and I love his work and I appreciate his generosity of spirit in sharing his ideas.

I apologize for the multiple questions. I realize you are very busy, and I appreciate your time.

Thank you!

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Lucretia
  • |
  • May 9, 2013
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  • No one likes this yet

Hi Tammy,

My apologies for the late reply on this one, it is going straight to Yuri, so you would receive a personal response from him in the next couple of days.

We really appreciate industry related questions like yours and will post the answer here on the site too.

Thank you for your support and comments. Should you have any other questions please advice.

Warm regards,

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