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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
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  • June 7, 2013
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  • Nobody else has this question

Arcurs exclusivity in iStock


I have read Yuri Arcurs is now exclusively in iStock. However his images are available also in Agency Rodeo, Finland, see for example Arcur's people image there http://fii.cz/risej

Rodeo is offering Arcurs images with subscription beginning from euro 39.00 month, prices are from 0.44 euro per image, including extended licence and allowing multiple users to download with the same subscription.

So I am confused when iStock says they have Arcurs exclusively and yet I could get the images with lower prices from Rodeo? I have sent the same question to iStock, too.


Desing Hannele

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Angelique
  • |
  • June 11, 2013
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  • No one likes this yet

Hi Desing Hannele

Thank you for your query. My name is Angie and I am an account manager at Peopleimages.com.

With regards to your query on the website, the Yuri Arcurs Collection is now exclusive to Getty Images; a decision we have made to accommodate the quality of our unique collection.

Should you find any Yuri Arcurs images on stock sites other than Getty or Peopleimages.com (as you have done) then you should direct your query towards the Getty customer support team and I am sure that they will be able to assist you with your query.

If you have any other queries please do not hesitates to contact me.

Warm regards

Angie Pereira
Client Management 
Local Number: +27 813 981 32
Toll Free:+1 800 594 0485
Skype: peopleimages
Timezone: GMT+2

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