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  • Asked by
  • Gguy
  • |
  • October 4, 2013
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  • 1 person also has this question

Full time, part time or freelance work opportunities

Hi there.

I hope you're well and would appreciate any time spent on reading this email, as I'm sure you get many of this sort.

I'll cut straight to the chase: I'm a freelance web designer/developer but most importantly an enthusiastic photographer. Hungry to learn, contribute and better myself.

If there are any opportunities to get involved on a freelance basis, part time or otherwise, you can count on me :-)



(Personal photography site: http://guystandley.com/ Due to content restrictions I don't have all my work uploaded but if you would like samples outside of my website, please don't hestitate to ask.)

Digital & film photography: I'm well versed on core concepts (exposure triangle) and have experience developing black & white film from negative to print.

Flash / Studio lighting techniques.

Photo editing using PhotoShop, LightRoom and Capture NX. This includes sound knowledge on colour correction, white balance, noise reduction, etc.

Confident masking in PhotoShop, including fine details such as hair and so on.

Knowledgeable about colour spaces: sRGB vs Adobe RGB, and have experience in CMYK and reducing the differences between RGB and CMYK.

OS environments: I'm very computer literate and am comfortable working on Windows or Apple.

Web design, development and maintenance. (This includes popular platforms like WordPress).


Photography experience:

Event photography: Clients include Marlboro, Markhams and OppiKoppi (HillTopLIve)

Commissioned work: Still photography for a short film; band photography (album/single covers); typical portraits; and location shots for a school who wanted A1-A0 sized posters.

Publications & exhibitions:

I've been featured in printed media such as HJ (http://www.sahair.co.za/ ), ZA Difference ( http://www.zadifference.org/ ) and online mediums such as: COUP, OneSmallSeed, PiX and MK.

I have had work exhibited at OppiKoppi by HilTopLive, two exhibitions by PostBox, plus a venue in Pretoria (which no longer exists).

I look forward to your response and hope you had the patience to read all this :-) Apologies the the length but wanted to present myself accurately.

Kind regards,

Guy Standley


Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Jessica
  • |
  • October 7, 2013
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hi Guy

Thank you for contacting us. I will forward your message on to our recruitment team. I am sure they will contact you should they be interested.

Best wishes.



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