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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
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  • May 26, 2012
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free downloads

receipt ID #Y000180 No download link provided to get images.

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Alessa
  • |
  • May 26, 2012
  • |
  • 1 person likes this

I'm very sorry that you are experiencing this problem. I had a look at your receipt, and I can see that no images were added to your cart, which might help explain the issue.
I would like to personally investigate this further, as it looks like you have encountered some kind of bug on the site. I want to make sure that this is fixed right away. As I do not experience this bug from my side, it is also possible that it is a browser specific problem or that a completely different explanation can be found. :)
Is it possible that you can send me a direct link to one of the specific images you added to your cart or provide me with a Stock Photo ID?
A direct link to the image might look similar to this: http://peopleimages.com/image/woman-operating-computer-cropped-keyboard-typing
The Stock Photo ID can be found just below the image.

You can access all our free images through this link: https://peopleimages.com/search#adult:on/types:Free

Looking forward to hearing form you and getting to the bottom of this. :)
Have a great day.

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5 comments on this content

  • Alessa | May 29, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Hi Richard,
    The bulk download should be working now. :)
    I've also sent you an email to let you know. Please try downloading the images again and let me know if you continue to have any problems.

    Best Regards,

  • Alessa | May 28, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Hi Richard,
    I did a little research, and I was able to reproduce the error. We've found a bug affecting our free images and the checkout part of our site. It's a small bug, but unfortunately it means that currently it is not possible to download more than one image in one go. We are working to fix this, and if you try again in a day or two, it will work.

    As this is a technical issue, I'm very sorry to say that while our developers are working on fixing the problem, it is simply not possible to check out right now. Even though you are downloading free images and not making any payment, you still need to through the checkout process to download in bulk, which is why you are experiencing the error.

    You can download all images directly from the image view page. If you download all 63 images individually, it will probably take quite a while, so I would suggest that you create a folder with the images you are interested in and save it for later. You can then download a few images that you need right away and return later to download the rest, when our developers have fixed the issue.

    I've created a small video so you can see how you can save a folder for future use and how you download images individually. You can watch it here: http://screencast.com/t/zNll6QT0eq3H

    Again, I am very sorry that you are experiencing this problem, and I will pop you a message the minute the issue has been fixed.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

    Best Regards,

  • Anonymous | May 26, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Alessa, here is a link--https://peopleimages.com/image/over-the-horizon-earth-atmosphere-continent I put 63 images in my cart and when I went to checkout, an error message appeared but flashed too quick to read before it disappeared. I have tried 4 times to complete this order and have failed each time.

  • Anonymous | May 26, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Thanks for the fast reply. I selected the free images, then went to the checkout tab, and the receipt showed there but no link to download. I believe I added them to the cart but will try again and advise you of the result.

  • Anonymous | May 26, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    I can't download free images without a link. The free images look great and I would certainly consider purchasing images in the future but want to see the free ones first.