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  • Asked by
  • Anonymous
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  • August 2, 2012
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Concert shoot

Will the photos from last nights concert shoot in Aarhus, be put up (and sold) here on peopleimages.com?

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Alessa
  • |
  • August 2, 2012
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  • No one likes this yet

Yes, they definitely will. It will, however, be a while before they are ready as they will first have to be developed, retouched, keyworded and uploaded to the site. This process usually takes a few months. :)

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3 comments on this content

  • Anonymous | August 10, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    I was at the first casting at INQ Models and at the concert shoot in Train..... I just have an additional question:
    Don't the models that have their photo sold on peopleimages.com, get paid? Or is this only when the models are 'handpicked' by the photographers, and do 'real' photoshoots?

    Because I didn't know, that the concert shoot photos were going be to be for sale, so I just need to get that cleared out! :-)

  • Anonymous | August 7, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    does this include the pics from the first casting in Aarhus at INQ models?

  • Alessa | August 10, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Not necessarily. Some of the casting images will be online, and some will not.
    All images from castings are filed in an archive shared between PeopleImages.com, INQ Models and Full Circle, and they are used by our photographers when they search for models for their shoots as well as by the model managers who receive requests for models from professional photographers.
    All images are reviewed, and the images that can potentially sell as stock photography are all retouched and keyworded before they are uploaded to PeopleImages.com. Only a small amount of images go through this process, as it is quite expensive, and it usually takes a few months. If you don't see your images on PeopleImages.com within 6 months from when they were shot, feel free to contact Peter from INQ Models. He will then be able to explain to you what has happened to your images. Even though your first images are not selected and uploaded to PeopleImages.com, we will still hold on to them and they will be part of our internal archive.