• Support


  • Asked by
  • mjbailey
  • |
  • August 21, 2012
  • |
  • Nobody else has this question


Good afternoon Alessa

My name is Matt and I work across the UK's biggest photography portfolio which includes Digital Camera & Digital Camera World, reaching over 344,000 passionate photographers each month.

I'm interested to find out if you market your website to photographers for creative projects, such as use within Photoshop.

If so and you would be interested in finding out more about reaching our enthusiasts, please let me know and I will be happy to help.

Best wishes,

Matthew Bailey - +44 (0)1225 732345

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Alessa
  • |
  • August 21, 2012
  • |
  • No one likes this yet

Hi Matthew,
Thank you very much for your message.
As such we are not focused on marketing to photographers but more to designers and people in need of images (small scale business, marketing and advertising departments in larger companies, etc.), but I do think your idea sounds interesting. Please feel free to drop me an email with a little more information about your idea. If you can include some information as to who your subscribers are, demographics and a list of other people you have done similar business with, I'd love to have a look at it.
You can send everything to alessa@arcurs.com.

Looking forward to receiving your email.

Have a wonderful day.

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