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  • Asked by
  • psasser
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  • November 28, 2011
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  • Nobody else has this question

High Priced Images

I was wondering what criteria define an image as high priced, i.e. ones starting at $45 for XSmall. I am about to download one and it is a great image, but it doesn't seem to have a particular distinction over others on the site.

It just happens to precisely fit what I need!

Official Answer

  • Answered by
  • Alessa
  • |
  • November 28, 2011
  • |
  • 1 person likes this

Hi Phil,
Image prices vary a lot depending on the costs involved with creating the images. Some models charge a higher fee than others; sometimes we need to pay a high amount for a specific location; and if there are many people involved with the shoot, the costs will often be higher than usual. Some images have already been submitted to other agencies - sometimes only to a traditional (macro) agency. Prices of images submitted to these agencies are sold at a much higher price. If the image is a nude shot, it is very likely that the price will reflect this as well. This is often because the model will receive a much higher salary than usual if he or she is to be partly nude. If the image is exclusive to PeopleImages.com, we can guarantee that the image is nowhere else to be found, and this will naturally raise the price as well.

I hope it made sense. :)


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1 comment on this content

  • psasser | January 22, 2012 | No one likes this yet

    Makes sense to me! The image did fit my needs, so no problem there. It may have been exclusive, because it wasn't suggestive. He's fully dressed and just sitting in a chair, isolated on white. Except now, he has Beethoven's head in place of his own. ;-)